The Puzzling Relationship between Human Capital and Prosperity: Lessons from Case Studies on Burkina Faso

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Siri, Alain
Combray, Omer
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African Economic Research Consortium
The development of human caapital is recognised as being a significant factor in the growth and prosperity of individuals and Countries. An increase in levels of education,training, and improvement of health and nutrition, will lead to a rise in the incomes of the citizenry. Also, since the beginning of the 1980s, the Burkina Faso government has prioritised the evelopment of human capital in the conduct of public policy. To quote only a few figures, public expenditure on education, which represented only 1.4% of the GDP in 1996, was increased to 6% of the GDP in 2018. In regard to public expenditure on health, it almost doubled, increasing from 1.1% of the GDP in 2003 to 2.4% of the GDP in 2018.