Effects of Food Price Shocks on Nutrition Outcomes Among Farm Households in Nigeria: Implications for Food-Price-Related Policies
Akerele, Dare
Fadare, Olusegun
Ogunniyi, Adebayo
Rufai, Mistura
Adeyemi, Olutayo
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African Economic Research Consortium
The starting point towards advancing nutrition-sensitive food price policies in Nigeria is a nationally representative empirical study on the effects of food price shocks on children’s nutrition outcomes. This study uses data from the Nigeria Living Standard Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) of the years 2013 and 2016. A correlated random probit and a pooled panel data probit regression were employed in the analysis. The data description shows a notable concentration of wasting and stunting in Northern Nigeria, and in households characterized by low income, low education level, and not using insecticide-treated bednets. Shocks in the prices of rice and vegetables can substantially enhance the risks of child stunting, while wasting prevalence in children is positively associated with fish and dairy price shocks. Thus, this study lends support to nutrition-sensitive food price policies that are geared towards calming a surge in food prices, especially the prices of rice, vegetables, fish and dairy.