Nutritional Deficiency and Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture: Evidence from Nigeria
Aderemi, Taiwo A.
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African Economic Research Consortium,
This study investigates the relationship between women’s empowerment in agriculture, their nutritional status and those of their children. Growing empirical evidence suggests that a positive link exists, but that not all empowerment dimensions influence nutritional outcomes. Using 2010 to 2016 LSMS-ISA household survey data for Nigeria, specific evidence on this topic was provided. Our findings show that no relationship exists between women who hold agricultural land and credit, and their energy calorie intake. Women’s joint holding of land and other agricultural inputs positively influence their nutritional calorie intake. Children’s anthropometry responds positively to women’s empowerment indicators, although with a differential impact for boys and girls. Women’s access to agricultural inputs and land rights are necessary conditions for maximizing the potential benefit derived from the women-empowerment-nutrition link. Improvement in anthropometry scores of girls among empowered women should be considered a priority for intervention programmes.