COVID-19 and Gendered Access to Medical Services in Nigeria
Adewole, Ololade Grace
Omotoso, Kehinde Oluwaseun
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African Economic Research Consortium
As with other developing countries, Nigeria faced gender inequity in access to health care services before COVID-19 emergence. This has been a major hindrance to the attainment of universal health coverage and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The COVID-19 crisis and the attendant measures to contain it interrupted access to medical services, exacerbating gender inequities in access to medical services (Kotlar et al., 2021). Our study examines gender differential in access to medical services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria and explores contextual factors such as poverty, inter-and intra-household resources allocation, decision-making, inequality, power relations, socio-cultural norms, and perceptions that influenced access to sexual reproductive health.