The Potential for Women and Youth Employment in Mali’s Economic Sectors
Traoré, Ousmane Z.
Sountoura, Lansine
Dembélé, Aoua Saran
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The study’s main aim is to examine the sectors and the branches of activities within Mali’s economy that have the highest job creation potential for women and the youth. To achieve this objective, the study is carried out following a methodology based on two approaches: qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative approach was based on a descriptive analysis of the main tendencies and on dispersion, while also being based on graphical analysis. Secondly, econometric estimations of a Cobb-Douglas production function were carried out in each branch of economic activity to determine their production potential and their related employment potential. Thereafter, a descriptive analysis of the employment potential allowed for the identification of the sectors of economic activity that have the highest employment creation potential for women and the youth. The qualitative analysis method of barriers to employment and work opportunities for women and youth in Mali as used is based on a framework proposed by Chakravarty et al. (2017). The method of content analysis is applied to data drawn on the literature from qualitative surveys undertaken on key informants. The quantitative data used is essentially derived from the EMOP database (2013- 2020), National Accounts (2012-2020), data from the World Bank (World Development Indicators) and the International Labour Organization database (ILOSTAT) (1990-2016). It covers three (3) economic sectors and 21 branches of activity. These quantitative data are complemented by data derived from the literature on qualitative surveys that were undertaken on key informants.