Management of Socio-Economic Data on Land in Mali
Abdrahamane, Sanogo
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Land management in Africa presents enormous challenges, both in terms of access to this important asset for life and in terms of its governance. These unsolved difficulties are still observable in both urban and rural areas. Despite its very large area (1,241,238 km2), and its large reserves of arable land, Mali faces a massive exodus towards urban centers, more specifically Bamako the capital city. This poses the serious problem of housing, and of food security. Thus, there is a rush on the land, both in urban and peri-urban areas, and in rural areas. Mali’s development is largely dependent on the rural and the mining sector. The related problems are intimately linked to land and its management. It is aware of this situation that NEPAD wanted first to make an inventory of the required socio-economic data, then to consider the assistance which can be brought for a more adequate management. To this end, the AERC/CREA was instructed by NEPAD to make an inventory of socio-economic land data in each of the selected pilot countries, including Mali, and to provide insights for improving their management so as to facilitate their use and access by researchers, decision-makers and the public. It must be recognized that in Mali, land data management has always been difficult, as the organizations in charge of it have always been faced with an insufficiency of the required resources - human, material and financial. Also, it is worth highlighting the complexity of the data to be managed, and the many disputes they have always presented. This policy note reports the salient results and policy implications of this study. These results come from interviews with key stakeholders in land management and governance in Mali, and from a documentary review. To lead an efficient and rational management of the land sector, with a view to reducing the interminable conflicts and disputes, the Ministry of State property and Land Affairs was created, and its branches strengthened and empowered. The Ministry deals with the necessary measures to solve land speculation throughout the national territory. Planning tools designed, but not used enough, did not solve the land problem. The development of a national spatial planning scheme provided for in the newly adopted National Territorial Planning Policy (PNAT) will take charge of the distribution of activities and development roles to achieve the desired economic balance. The State property and Land Reform Secretariat was created by Decree No. 2016- 0177/PM-RM of March 25, 2016. Its fundamental mission is to work towards the creation of a state property and land database. Thus, a new unique national parcel/ plot identifier has been introduced for rational management of land throughout the territory. Each urban or rural parcel/plot will have its national cadastral identification number (NINACAD)
Socio Economic Data, Land, Mali, Rural, Urban