Economic Complexity and Industrial Policy in Kenya
Malot, Kenneth
Mutuku, Cyrus
Otindo, Clement
Rand, John
Shibia, Adan
Sørensen, Bjørn Bo
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Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a globally competitive economy, but its current export performance constitutes a significant impediment to realizing this objective. By systematically accounting for supply- and demand-side factors, this study identifies new products that can help to diversify and upgrade Kenya’s economy. In a supply-side analysis, we first use economic complexity methods to identify 70 complex target products - primarily in the Machinery & Electronics and Metals sectors - that Kenya can learn to export competitively given the current structure of its economy. In a demand-side analysis, we then use gravity models to predict a high export potential among target products in sectors like Vehicles & Transport Equipment, Machinery & Electronics, Chemicals, and Metals. We predict that many of Kenya's current trade partners could be key importers of the target products, but we also find a high demand in several underexploited markets such as Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, South Africa, Spain, and Zambia.