Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Kenya’s Health System
Ng’ang’a1, Tabitha Kiriti
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African Economic Research Consortium
Health is a very important component of human capital development for any
country since healthy workers can be more productive and more efficient and at
full potential without frequent absenteeism. The first Kenyan COVID-19 case was
reported on 12th March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic touched the core sector of
the economy; the health sector. The measures undertaken by the Government to
curb the spread of the virus not only impacted the health sector but also people
who seek services from the sector, leading to unintended consequences on other aspects of health. This study focuses on the status of the health sector before and
during the first 6 months of COVID-19, the level of preparedness of the health sector
for the pandemic, and the impact of the measures on selected health indicators.