Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Tione, Sarah
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African Economic Research Consortium
Agricultural production and productivity (crop and livestock) is increasing in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) at the cost high carbon footprint. Emissions of greenhouse gases is mainly from land use changes, food and feed production and manure management. This double burden is slowing down development efforts, particularly in SSA. Agricultural policy has been promoting Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices especially among smallholder farmers. Although there is compelling evidence on the impact of CSA technologies on agricultural productivity,their uptake in low-income is still lowand considered unsatisfactory (Makate, 2019). Hence, empirical gap exists in context-specific studies, particularly, on intertemporal and spatial anthropogenic changes of land use related to CSA household decisions to inform policy. We considered a basket of CSA practices, including soil erosion control variables like terraces, control bunds (stones, earth or sandbags/gibbons),tree belt, water harvesting bunds and drainage ditches; Use of organic manure; Irrigation farming by diverting streams, hand and treadle pumps, motor or gravity-fed; land preparation techniques that include box ridges, zero tillage, pit planting, ripping and minimum tillage. Data is from LSMS and FAOSTAT.