Status and Dynamics of Gender Mainstreaming in East Africa Community COVID-19 Social and Economic Response Policies, Strategies and Interventions
Maloiy, Lanoi
Wawire, Violet
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African Economic Research Consortium
COVID-19 has had serious implications globally for social, economic areas and public
health. Equally, the pandemic has proved quite challenging to many countries in East
Africa. Recognizing that swift and decisive responses to the pandemic are needed
across East Africa, the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) through a grant
from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and in collaboration with East African
private sector apex organizations and the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat
launched this project to assist East African governments coordinate their response
to the COVID-19 pandemic and formulate appropriate economic recovery strategies
and plans.
To do this, there is need to generate knowledge devoted to advising policy makers
to create awareness and sensitize governments on the need to mainstream gender
at all levels of policy formulation and action across EAC member countries during
the COVID-19 crisis. AERC seeks to generate rigorous and robust analytical policy
research papers assessing the impact of COVID-19 crisis on gender mainstreaming
across countries in East Africa. It is against this background that this study is set.
The study aims to examine the status of women in the East African Community with
a view to comprehending how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected women, and
further investigate what policies and interventions have been instituted to address
gender issues emerging from the pandemic, identifying gender gaps in policies, and
proposing new perspectives for reviewing existing gender policies and interventions
to address these gaps.
A desk review and gender analysis was undertaken of the six (6) EAC countries, with
particular focus on the status of women. Stakeholder mapping was also undertaken.
Those mapped were Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) involved in gender issues in
the EAC, and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key informant interviews
were undertaken from the selected stakeholders and policy analysis on gender issues
related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the EAC done. Five stakeholder/policy analysts
were interviewed on policy gaps and possible interventions for women around
COVID-19 generated.
The key findings from the gender analysis and key informant interviews are
discussed in terms of the areas of education, health, land ownership, career and labour market followed by representation and public decision-making. Overall,
in all five thematic areas, there is no gender responsiveness amidst the COVID-19
Education: Prior to COVID-19, access to education and retention of girls in school was
problematic across the EAC countries. This poor retention and access to education
has been exacerbated by school closures due to COVID-19. Additionally, girls are likely
to engage in transactional sex due to financial constraints, thus exposing themselves
to HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancies that will negatively impact on educational
completion rates.
Health: Women in all the EAC countries have low decision-making power in sexual
relationships. The results indicate that there is low uptake of contraceptives
particularly in rural areas. Because women have little negotiation ability in their
relationships, they may not be able to use contraceptives and condoms to prevent
sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies. Due to women’s
low status in relationships, they may also be unable to refuse sexual contact with male
partners even if the man has not been taking measures against COVID-19, therefore
exposing themselves to coronavirus. Women’s health can be exacerbated by most
EAC governments placing resources into COVID-19 initiatives in lieu of women’s
health. If unchecked, such prioritization may reverse any gains made on women’s
health. Quarantine centres are also not set up in a gender sensitive way, and there
is lack of sanitary items for women confined in these centres. This is an issue that
needs to be addressed.
Land ownership: Across the six EAC countries, it was found that most women do not
own and control land. This is the case even in Rwanda where women are the majority
in Parliament. This lack of ownership also leaves women vulnerable to evictions or
land grabbing in case of death of a spouse or male relative.
Career and labour market: Men still dominate formal employment even in Rwanda
where women have significant representation in Parliament. Women were largely
found working at home or in the informal sector. These women in the informal sector
are likely to suffer significant financial losses. Women cross border traders suffer the
risk of assault, theft and rape from the use of illegal routes during the pandemic.
Representation and public decision-making: Apart from Rwanda, women in
all the other five EAC countries are under-represented in public decision-making.
This lack of representation has an implication in COVID-19 responses. Policies and
decisions made around funding, relief measures and other core legislative acts are
done without a gender lens.