Financial Inclusion Through Mobile Money: An Examination of the Decision to Use Mobile Money Accounts in WAEMU Countries
Coulibaly, Sionfou Seydou
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African Economic Research consortium
This study examines whether due to the influence of the penetration of financial
intermediaries in West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries,
the characteristics of individuals who hold mobile money accounts solely,
are comparable to the characteristics of individuals who hold official bank
accounts and also to the characteristics of individuals who use both types of
accounts concurrently. In order to do so, this empirical analysis uses data from
a survey undertaken in 2014 by Global Findex and aggregated data related to the
penetration of Financial Institutions. The estimation of data has been undertaken
through a Heckman (1979) selection model and the multinomial probit model. The collected results are similar in regard to those who use official accounts solely
those who use both types of accounts. They show that the use of mobile money is
higher among men, older people, individuals with higher levels of income, those
with the highest levels of education and those with easy access to mobile payment
agencies. The study recommends encouraging intense sensitisation of adults aged
between 25-64 on the use of mobile money, a rise in the levels of individual income
which could be realised by an increase in the minimum wage, the introduction of
incentives in the education system that would encourage the attainment of the
highest levels of education by the largest number of people, the localisation of mobile
payment services in a way that they would be accessible to a large number of people
due to proximity.