Human Capital Development Country Case Studies (HCD)


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    Rethinking Public Investment in Education in Africa: The Labor Market Response of Public Investment in Education in Ethiopia
    (AERC, 2025) Adem, Jemal Mohammed; Weldesilassie, Alebel Bayrau
    This study investigates the impact of education investments on economic outcomes in Ethiopia, grounded in human capital theory and the Mincerian earnings function. While substantial public expenditure on education has resulted in a significant increase in university graduates over the past two decades, a paradox persists: high unemployment rates among graduates coexist with a notable shortage of skilled labor in firms. This research employs longitudinal data from Ethiopia's national labor force survey to explore the complexities of education returns through an over-required-under-education model, which categorizes workers based on their educational qualifications relative to job requirements. The findings indicate that government investment has successfully mitigated under-qualification but has concurrently contributed to rising over qualification, with approximately 13% of workers classified as over-qualified in 2021. Productivity analysis reveals that workers with the required educational qualifications outperform both over-qualified and under qualified peers. Notably, while under-qualified workers see positive returns from additional schooling, over-qualified workers experience negative returns, suggesting diminishing benefits of excess education. These insights highlight the critical need for policymakers to link education investments with effective human capital utilization strategies to prevent counterproductive outcomes, ultimately fostering a more productive labor market in Ethiopia.
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    Return Migration and Labour Market Integration in Senegal
    (African Economic Research Consortium, 2024-08-05) Diallo, Mamadou Abdoulaye; Diallo, Soukeyna; Sika, Mashoudou Maman Chabi
    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of return migration on labour market integration in Senegal. To this end, we based the study on the recent survey on international migration in Senegal (EMIS-2019), data for which were collected by the Consortium for Economic and Social Research (Consortium pour la recherche économique et sociale, CRES) in collaboration with the World Bank. We used the two-stage residual inclusion (2SRI) method and complemented it by an instrumental variable (IV) approach to account for the potential selection bias associated with return migration. The findings show that return migration had a positive and significant effect on labour market integration. Specifically, the results show that their migration status in the host country, the mode of their return to their country of origin, the skills they acquired in the host country, and their social capital played an important role in their economic reintegration after their return. This study therefore stresses the need for return-migration incentive policies and support for labour market integration of the return migrants.
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    Effectiveness of the Universal Health Coverage Scheme in Senegal
    (African Economic Research Consortium, 2024-08-05) Diagne, S.; Sylla, F.N.; Henovi, K.C.
    The aim of this study is to assess the impact of the universal health coverage (UHC) scheme in Senegal on the use of medical care and employee productivity, and to carry out a cost-effectiveness analysis of the scheme. The data used come from the Harmonized Survey of Household Living Conditions (Enquête Harmonisée sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages, EHCVM) in Senegal conducted in 2018 by the National Statistics and Demography Bureau (Agence nationale de la statistique et de la démographie, ANSD). The study used the Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR) model to take account of the self-selection bias. Its findings show that the beneficiaries of the scheme had greater access to medical care and lost fewer days of work due to illness than the non-beneficiaries. They also show that if the non-beneficiaries were covered by the UHC scheme, they would have increased their access to medical care and would have lost fewer days of work. These results are consistent since easy access to medical care enables its beneficiaries to receive treatment quickly when they fall ill. But the study also found that although the UHC scheme improved its beneficiaries’ access to medical care and productivity at work, it also increased their medical care costs. Indeed, the cost-effectiveness analysis carried out showed that the scheme was unequivocally ineffective in the case of the 15-60 age group, one which essentially constitutes the working population. In other words, the beneficiaries of the UHC scheme in Senegal incurred more medical care costs and obtained fewer benefits from it than its non-beneficiaries. The study recommends that advocating an extension of the scheme’s coverage, while emphasizing its positive effects on its beneficiaries’ health and productivity at work would lead to enhanced mobilization on the part of the government. In addition, better knowledge of the medical care package offered as part of the scheme and of its effectiveness would enable its beneficiaries to make better use of the benefits its offers. Keywords: Healthcare, Insurance uptake, Socio-economic factors, NHIS, NHIA
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    Foreign Direct Investments and Human Capital Development in Nigeria: A Firm-Level Analysis of Manufacturing and Information and Communication Technology Industries
    (African Economic Research Consortium, 2024-08-05) Taiwo, Shakirudeen; Olofin, Sodik
    The emerging trend of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Nigeria is diverging in favour of technology, ICT, and manufacturing, which are becoming more sensitive for the evolution of the labour force. With the low levels of technology advancement, skill accumulation, and human capital stock in developing countries, and Nigeria especially, FDI inflows have been identified as major sources of technology, managerial, and technical know-how spillover to developing countries. The accruing knowledge spillover effects of FDI inflows are critical for human capital development to propel technological progress and sustainable economic growth. Therefore, this study investigated the impacts of FDI on human capital and the economic prospects of workers in Nigeria’s manufacturing and ICT sectors and highlighted the country specific conditions needed to adequately internalize FDI spillover effects on Nigeria's human capital. This study's data analysis is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The findings revealed that FDI inflows impact human capital development in Nigeria. Meanwhile, the kind of FDI inflows, the measure of human capital development and the sector matter in the relationship, as aggregated analysis yields little knowledge benefit. Specifically, this study revealed that all the types of FDI, except merger and acquisition, have varying impacts on the components of human capital development, while efficiency-seeking FDI is the most important. The policy implication from this study re-emphasizes the need for further improvement in the regulatory environment, general ease of doing business and incentive management.
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    Analysing the Determinants of Healthcare Insurance Uptake in Nigeria
    (African Economic Research Consortium, 2024-08-05) Adekunle, Wasiu; Oluwaseyi, Vincent
    The challenge of low health insurance coverage in Nigeria has persisted for decades, hindering access to healthcare, and impacting human capital development negatively. This is despite the diverse types of health insurance schemes co-existing in the country. The current study, therefore, sought to identify the potential factors driving the uptake of health insurance and its types (private and public health insurance) in Nigeria. To achieve the objective, the study assessed cross-sectional data across the 36 States in Nigeria (including the Federal Capital Territory -FCT) obtained from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Accordingly, this study highlighted stylised facts about health insurance and key socio-economic factors, while regression analysis was explored to determine the crucial factors motivating health insurance uptake in Nigeria. The analysis showed that the positive drivers of health insurance uptake (mainly private) include the financial inclusion rate and employment level. The study also observed that due to financial constraints, low-income groups might be less likely to enrol on health insurance than the middle-income and high-income groups. Education is found to have a statistically significant and negative effect on health insurance uptake in the country. On the other hand, health access problems and age of the household head did not have statistically significant effects on health insurance uptake. With the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) Act 2021 making health insurance mandatory, it is imperative for the Nigerian government to strengthen the identified positive drivers of health insurance uptake across the country.