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University of Ghana , Legon
Education and migration are very essential in development outcomes since education
improves the capability of the individual. Despite studies on migration in Ghana, the link
between migration and education in the Ghanaian economy is unclear. This study
therefore presents an empirical examination of the linkages between migration and
education in Ghana. While GLSS 4 and GLSS 5 datasets were used for the descriptive
analysis, the GLSS 5 dataset was used for the econometric estimations. Heckman‟s two
stage method was used in examining the impact of education on migration; however the
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation was used to find the impact of migrant
remittances on education expenditure. The relationship between migration and education
was also examined by using the chi-square test.
The empirical results revealed that a greater proportion of internal migration in Ghana is
rural-rural and urban-rural. Also, an individual‟s educational attainment positively affects
his/her decision to migrate. Further, it was seen that other socio-economic variables
significantly affect an individual‟s migration decision. Though education affects the
migration decision in both urban and rural areas, its significance varies for the different
stages of educational attainment. Moreover, it was found that migrant remittances
positively affect educational expenditure. Based on the findings of the study it is
recommended that the education system should be improved in the entire country by
providing qualified teachers and studying materials, and the rural areas should be
upgraded close to the standard of the urban area in order to reduce inequality in
educational infrastructure. Also, a smooth functioning credit market should be created in
the country to provide financial support to households which do not receive remittances
to finance their educational expenditure.