Policy Implications for Gendered Differences in Household Cooking Coping Strategies for the Russia-Ukraine War in kenya
Dickson Wandeda Onyang
Kenneth Kigundu Macharia
Dianah Ngui
Lanoi Maloi
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This policy brief uses evidence from Kenya on AERC collaborative research project on “Impacts of War in Ukraine on Food Security in Low Income Countries”. The study examines gendered differences in household cooking coping strategies for the Russia-Ukraine War in Kenya. We present the following policy priorities for the government of Kenya: 1. Empower women to adopt clean energy by providing low-interest financing through social groups supported by key stakeholders. 2. Use the National Government Affirmative Action Fund to supply clean cooking technologies to underprivileged women through women representatives. 3. Encourage county governments to distribute clean cooking technologies as part of climate change initiatives. 4. Increase rural access to clean cooking technologies through result-based financing by the National Treasury and the Ministry of Energy.