AERC Insight_Issue 06_June 2023

dc.descriptionAERC Insight_Issue 06_June 2023
dc.description.abstractWe are excited to share some thrilling updates and news from our organization. It’s a pretty exciting moment for me, and the edition is packed with all the latest insights. I hope it will inform and inspire you in equal measure. As I take the wheels of this prestigious institution as the first ever Francophone West African Executive Director, I will strive to ensure that the AERC continues its journey to build a more sustainable and inclusive world for all our African citizens. I haveembarked on a significant transformation of AERC to meet the expectations of our diverse range of stakeholders on a global scale. The world has undergone a seismic shift, and our continent faces new challenges and opportunities that we cannot ignore. AERC must transform to remain relevant and impactful in its various activities and collaborations. We must strive for excellence in all our endeavours. Research standards have evolved, and stakeholder demands have become more robust. AERC must Accept this change, Adapt to it, and adjust to it. AERC must speak to the rest of Africa, not only Sub-Saharan Africa and the world. I would like to see AERC recognized as an international institution of excellence in knowledge generation and dissemination, capable of influencing policies on the continent. Stories that form the content of this newsletter include a lead article on “Recovery Agenda from Multiple Shocks”. In the last two decades, African economies have suffered global economic shocks that the Covid-19 pandemic compounded. They have, however, remained resilient in the face of the pandemic’s impacts which affected the core of key macroeconomic indicators. In the newsletter, we also cover activities within the research and training programmes, new publications, and significant events the organization has hosted during the quarter. I look forward to connecting with you each quarter and providing as much information as possible on the incredible work accomplished by the staff and the AERC network. So please enjoy this read and share it with your friends. I welcome all feedback, comments, and questions about the information provided and suggestions for topics you would like to see in future newsletters. I want to thank the AERC, staff, Board of Directors, and the AERC network for trusting me with the leadership of this important institution. I will make it my mission to uphold the institution’s reputation and legacy as we battle into the future.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIssue 06_June 2023
dc.titleAERC Insight_Issue 06_June 2023
dc.title.alternativeAfrican Economies: Recovery Agenda from Multiple Shocks
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