Climate Change and Economic Development in Africa

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Adjaye, John Asafu
Hassan, Rashid Mekki
Azomahou, Théophile T.
Dia, Kamgnia Bernadette
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The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) convenes Senior policy seminars to provide high level African policy makers the opportunity to come together to dialogue on the results of research conducted by AERC and its affiliates, exchange policy experiences and interact with the researchers in an atmosphere of peers. The themes of these seminars are selected based on topicality and contemporary interest to African policy-making. AERC Senior policy seminars are forums where policy makers and researchers engage in uninterrupted deliberations on a set of important issues considered significant to policy making in Africa. The seminar format insulates the policy makers from pressures related to their responsibilities and thus, creates an environment for lively professional discourse on the selected issue. Aside from the specific aims of bringing researchers and policy makers together, the seminars are directly useful to AERC because they help identify research imperatives crucial to transforming Africa. They also improve prospects for policy involvement of the researchers and enhance AERC’s visibility in the policy community. Consequently, serving to highlight the growing capacity in the region for policy research and, overall, provide important feedback to AERC for its research and training programmes.